‘Recently I made the (difficult) decision to resign from the Foundation. What an expansive time the last three years have been. I have learned so much and am incredibly grateful to have worked with and for such an inspiring, values-based whānau and team. I started off as Programme Manager (maternity cover) and was delighted to stay on following that, focused on special projects. Pioneering and carving new territory is my happy place, alongside authentic relationships. I’ve been blessed to be in those spaces, as well as being supported in my governance roles with Philanthropy NZ and The Gift Trust. I am grateful to have been backed on my Ki te Hoe journey, in support of Māori aspirations, with Philanthropy NZ through this time. Ki te Hoe is a year-long, marae-based learning journey for funders wanting to better support Māori aspirations. I found it an authentic, transformational experience and absolutely recommend this.
I’m proud of the various projects and reviews I have led in this time with Tindall – from future visioning work with Next Gen; to reviewing the Foundation’s approach in various areas (centring community voice); bringing together the evidence regarding ‘what works’ in criminal justice; exploring how accessible the Foundation is to the communities being served (and how we can strengthen); and getting a plethora of initiatives and kaupapa across the line – supporting some incredible work from grassroots to systems change, especially with kaupapa Māori and ethnic groups. I will hold in my heart in particular working alongside the next generation – the Foundation’s future is in capable and humble hands. Also hikoi to Waitangi and Parihaka. Spending time at the peaceful settlement of Parihaka and birthplace of nonviolent resistance fulfilled a longtime dream. These are the stories and histories our nation needs to hear, so we can glean wisdom, heal and move forward together in peace.
I am immensely grateful for my time with TTF and also know in my heart the time for change is now. My focus moving forward will be my son Noah, mahi with NEXT Foundation (as they approach ten years), governance with the Gift Trust and new opportunities. It’s been a privilege working with such a brave whānau foundation, that is so respectful of our nation’s unique history, the integral place of tangata whenua and envisions a fair and equitable Aotearoa NZ – where we can all belong. Who knows what the future holds, keep being brave! Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, kia ora mo te aroha me to tautoko.’