New Zealand gains another voice on the world stage following this week’s announcement that the Aotearoa
New Zealand National Advisory Board will become a member of the Global Steering Group for Impact
The Aotearoa New Zealand National Advisory Board (ANZNAB) works to connect New Zealand to global
markets, learn from international experience, and develop the local ecosystem to support impact investment
David Woods, the Independent Deputy Chair of the ANZNAB, says that New Zealand’s pathway to GSG
membership grew out of an initial idea from board members which includes representatives of Philanthropy
NZ, the Tindall Foundation and the Ākina Foundation.
“Fifteen months ago we took the view that New Zealand should be at the table rather than looking in from
outside. After a year of planning, interviews and discussions, we will be formally invested as members next
week at the GSG Summit in New Delhi.” Mr Woods says.
“Membership gives us valuable insight into the ways the impact investment movement is growing around the
world. It’s a great opportunity for a two way flow of ideas – and potentially investment flows – with other
Fellow board member Tina Porou, of the Ākina Foundation, sees GSG membership as an exciting
development for New Zealand’s evolving social enterprise sector in a time where Impact Investment is
increasingly seen as powerful tool in the fight against challenges like climate change and inequality.
Impact investment gives social and environmental outcomes equal weight to investment risks and return for
“We have a unique perspective on Impact Investment here in Aotearoa and we’re so thrilled to share it with
others,” says Ms Porou.
“Adding our voice into the mix internationally is good news for developing businesses in other countries, and
it will help organisations like Ākina find new ways to enable the growth of environmental and social impact
here at home,” she says.
The Global Steering Group for Impact Investing (GSG) grew out of a G8 initiative in 2013, and has
established a global network to advocate for the power of Impact Investment worldwide.
As of this month, the GSG is growing to 21 regional advisory boards worldwide, with the introduction of
Bangladesh and South Africa at the same time as New Zealand. All three countries will become ratified
members at the 2019 Impact Summit in New Delhi, held 8-9 October.
The ANZNAB was officially launched in April and is comprised of eight business leaders. Along with David
Woods and Tina Porou, board members are Jamie Newth, John McCarthy, Raewyn Jones, Alex Hannant,
Simon O’Connor, and Anne-Maree O’Connor.
For more information about the ANZNAB visit