Vodafone New Zealand Foundation’s World of Difference Fellowship is now open for applications.
The Fellowship, a collaborative effort between Vodafone NZ Foundation and SYHPANZ (Society of Youth Health Professionals Aotearoa New Zealand), is all about enhancing youth sector leaders. It is an opportunity for exceptional individuals to develop their skills, understanding and leadership capability. It is a unique chance for them to look at the bigger picture and to focus, not only on what they need to do to influence youth sector change, but on who they need to be in order to succeed.
Up to two individuals will be selected to be Fellows for 2017. They will be given $90,000 each to undergo this work for one year.
Vodafone New Zealand Foundation is focused on supporting the most vulnerable young people in Aotearoa New Zealand and interested in finding new and innovative ways to ensure better outcomes for everyone.
To truly support vulnerable young people, Vodafone New Zealand Foundation believes we need a robust and adaptive youth sector that can develop and strengthen organisations, policies and youth work practitioners. In order to do this, we need strong leaders who can drive change so our young people can thrive.
Applications are open until Monday 25 April, 5.00pm. To find out whether you are eligible to apply look here.
The Tindall Foundation and Vodafone New Zealand Foundation work together on a number of collaborative projects. We also co-fund some initiatives in the area of youth development.