We are grateful to our 23 Local Donation Managers (LDMs), who distribute TTF funds on our behalf to organisations in their local communities. Last year over 500 organisations across Aotearoa were supported by donations from LDMs. They know better than anyone where the local needs lie and which community groups require support. Covid-19 has presented many challenges over the past couple of years, but there has also been some outstanding work done at a grassroots level. We acknowledge the work our LDMs, and the organisations they support, have done to help their communities though the tough times. Often, many of the larger, more lofty projects are the ones that make the headlines, but we’re zooming in on the grassroots projects where some super mahi has been going on. Our LDM for the Northland region, Northland Community Foundation, supported Rongopai House Community Trust which helped turned Haley’s life around.
Haley’s story
Rongopai House Community Trust provides wraparound support to whànau to learn the skills needed to raise tamariki in a healthy, loving and caring environment. They received a donation last year from TTF Local Donation Manager Northland Community Foundation to support a variety of outreach services and programmes to the Far North community. The work they do is of great value to the community, and they have many success stories including helping whànau get their tamariki back in their full-time care after Oranga Tamariki involvement, progressing tertiary studies, professional development and employment. One success story is the amazing Haley, who struggled with a number of issues that overwhelmed her. Thanks to the incredible wrap around support from Rongopai House, Haley has been addiction free for approximately 3.5 years, she now has her children back in her full-time care, is in employment and looking towards tertiary studies in 2022 as professional development. We applaud your strength and courage Haley!