Tuesday, 1 August 2023, 6:32 am
Press Release: VOYCE Whakarongo Mai

“You Promised… Now Deliver!”

VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai is the national advocacy agency for care-experienced children and young people. We dream of an Aotearoa where all tamariki and rangatahi live with love and mana. We’re all responsible to make this reality!

Today, VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai launch their campaign calling on every political leader to ensure that children and young people in care in Aotearoa are kept front of mind this election.

In 2020, care experienced young leaders from the National Youth Council of VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai established the 6 PROMISES FOR 6000 campaign. These Promises reflect the most basic asks for any child or young person – things like stability, good education and health care, a feeling of belonging and to have a say in decisions about them. They are promises New Zealand made when they signed up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) 30 years ago – and yet, rangatahi and tamariki within State Care in Aotearoa New Zealand are still waiting for these promises to be kept.

These promises are not new. They arise from our children’s basic human rights. Human rights that every tamariki and rangatahi in Aotearoa should be able to enjoy, and which the State as a parent has an obligation to uphold for children in their care. And yet, even recent monitoring of Oranga Tamariki’s National Care Standards has highlighted they are falling woefully short of their own basic standards and are failing to keep these promises which they have made to our tamariki.

Here in Aotearoa New Zealand, children and young people with experiences of state care are far more likely to experience homelessness, suffer from mental illness, struggle to access quality education, and lack stability, safety and support as they transition to adulthood.

And yet, with all the challenges and injustices that children and young people in state-care endure, the urgency and concern for their wellbeing is yet to reach crisis point. Instead, headlines are dominated by “tough on crime” debates that minimize the suffering of our children, trivializing their experiences for the sake of winning political points.

Children and advocates across this nation have called on the Government to be accountable for these promises, now and for future generations.

Successive Governments have won elections outlining their commitment to ensuring these promises are fulfilled for our kids, only to let them down time and again.

And so, VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai are amplifying the voices of care experienced rangatahi and tamariki across the nation who are saying clearly, boldy, and unapologetically, “You Promised… Now Deliver!”

You promised to take care of me and make sure I have the things I need, and yet…

We’re calling on our elected leaders to work together to deliver:

You promised to make sure I have safety and stability in my life, and yet…

We’re calling on our elected leaders to work together to deliver:

You promised to help me with my education goals and dreams, and yet…

We’re calling on our elected leaders to work together to deliver:

You promised to support me with healthcare when I need it, and yet…

We’re calling on our elected leaders to work together to deliver:

You promised to listen and include me when decisions are made about me, and yet…

We’re calling on our elected leaders to work together to deliver:

You promised to help me feel confident in who I am, and learn about my whakapapa, culture and language, and yet…

We’re calling on our elected leaders to work together to deliver:

The responsibility to uphold these promises are held by every one of us in Aotearoa. Every individual, community, politician and Government Minister, has a role to play in ensuring that our tamariki, our most precious taonga, are able to live with Love and Mana.

These are our kids and we’re letting too many of them down.

To join our call and amplify the voices of Care experienced young people across the nation, sign and share our petition: 6 PROMISES (FOR CHILDREN IN THE STATE CARE SYSTEM) | OurActionStation

Also, follow our campaign on socials, and join us, on the 30th August, as we deliver this powerful message to Parliament (details to come).