
The Youth Mentoring Network has now delivered six of its eight regional workshops on the new Guide to Youth Mentoring which were scheduled for 2016. The uptake in the regions has been exceptional with 219 people from 110 organisations attending so far.

Funding support from The Tindall Foundation has made these workshops possible and we are really pleased to confirm that this funding is to continue in 2017 which means further 10 workshops will be delivered around the country.

Here is a comment following the latest workshop held in Dunedin on the 9 November:

Able Southern – Family Support GM, Karen Goffe said their two team members that attended arrived back at work full of praise for the facilitation and the content of the training. In fact it was clear to see the “buzz” from the experience was still generating a positive energy. “As a manager I find it is so important to have a workforce who are up to date and current with practice and from listening to the ladies and looking through their workbooks I can see they received quality training from engaging and outstanding facilitators.”

The final two workshops for 2016 are to be held in Auckland and Wellington and we will be finalising our 2017 schedule soon so check  The Youth Mentoring Network website or ‘like’ our facebook page to keep up to date.