5 August 2014 – 6 August 2014

Philanthropy New Zealand is holding its popular annual Governance and Investment workshops in Wellington on August 5 & 6. The workshops are aimed primarily at trustees and board members, and provide a comprehensive overview of governance and investment responsibilities.

They are offered at two levels. Level 1 is for new trustees and board members. Level 2 is for those with more experience in governance and investment.

The governance training will be facilitated by Graeme Nahkies, director of Boardworks International, and the investment training will be facilitated by AMP Capital.

The workshops will take place over two days; you may attend both days, or you can attend for just one day.  More details here.
COST:  2 DAYS – $560 PNZ members/ $800 non-members
1 DAY   –  $385 PNZ members/ $550 non-members

The start and finish time are:
August 5th:          9.30am – 4.00pm
August 6th  :         9.00am – 3.30pm