Winter is upon us.
Many of us are fortunate to live in a warm, well-insulated home. We can afford to switch on a heater, buy wood for the fire, and keep ourselves and our loved ones warm and dry.
Sadly this is not the case for many others.
Each winter approximately 1,600 deaths in New Zealand are attributed to damp, cold houses. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable.
For the first time, this year the New Zealand government has introduced a new Winter Energy Payment for those who are receiving their NZ Super – a total of $450 for a single person, and $700 for a couple – and aims to help older people stay warm and healthy throughout the winter.
If you already live in a warm, well-insulated house and can afford to switch on a heater when you need it, we can help you get this small bonus to someone in Auckland who needs help to stay warm this winter.
Gifting your Winter Energy Payment is simple. Click here to find out more.