Kate Tindall Lum is embarking on an exciting adventure at Vodafone New Zealand Foundation. From the end of June through to January 2016 Kate will be seconded to Vodafone to work as the World of Difference Programme Lead. The World of Difference Programme finds passionate people who want to make a difference in the community, supports them financially and professionally while they work for a NZ youth charity for one year.
Says Kate “I’m really excited to be joining the Vodafone New Zealand Foundation whānau, to gain new insights, make lasting relationships and share my experience. Along with my colleagues at The Tindall Foundation, I want to thank Vodafone for making this opportunity available.”
Kate’s work will be handled by the other Donations Team members while she is away with Elizabeth Tindall leading on all communications. We wish Kate well for her secondment and look forward to her return in January next year.