Take a look at this awesome film by LAWA – Land Air Water Aotearoa – on the wonderful work being done to protect the Maitai/Mahitahi River in Nelson.

Land Air Water Aotearoa (LAWA) is making a series of short films featuring different rivers across the country.

The River of the Month films share the history of each profiled river, talk to locals about what they mean to them, and looks at conservation and restoration projects going on to improve and preserve our rivers for future generations.

Take a look at this month’s awesome film on the wonderful work being done to protect the Maitai/Mahitahi River in Nelson.

Working in partnership with Iwi, the community and key agencies in the region, Nelson City Council is embarking on a five-year project to improve the water quality of the much loved Maitai/Mahitahi River.

This significant restoration project aims to create a river that is safe to swim in and take kai from, and that everyone can enjoy and feel proud of. Overall, the Maitai/Mahitahi is considered in good health, but it could be a lot better.

Visit the LAWA website to view the February River of the Month – The Waiwhakaiho River – on the north-eastern slopes of Mount Taranaki in Egmont National Park. Hear the stories of those who have grown up on the banks of the river, those who work in and live by the river, and how important it is to the people of Taranaki.


Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) was been established by like-minded organisations with a view to helping local communities find the balance between using natural resources and maintaining their quality and availability. The LAWA website is a wonderful resource giving the public detailed information on fresh and beach water quality.

LAWA is a partnership between 16 Regional Councils, Cawthron Institute, Ministry for the Environment and Massey University, and is supported by the Tindall Foundation. We supported the development of the website and are helping to fund these River of the Month films to share these important stories with New Zealanders.