mana ririki

The 2016 Kaupapa Māori Parenting Conference is being held August 16-17 in Rotorua. The conference, run by Mana Ririki, will explore how cultural strategies for parenting have expanded in number and ingenuity to empower whānau, families to raise their tamariki children in violence free, loving and nurturing ways as our tipuna, ancestors did.

Supported by The Tindall Foundation, the conference is for those who work in all aspects of health, education at all levels, academics, staff and managers of organisations who work in and with their communities.

The theme is the nature of Parenting and Kaupapa Māori parenting and how ideas, strategies and interventions are being implemented at the community level. There will be a variety of parenting strategies including using pūrākau, creation stories, oriori, lullabies, waiata, songs and music, kopuratanga, visual arts and tikanga, traditional practices and beliefs.

Breakout sessions allow delegates to focus on areas of specific interest, explore approaches to interventions and take away strategies for supporting and engaging client mātua, parents and whānau, families raising their tamariki, children.

Keynote speakers include:

Dr Annette Squitimkin-Anquoe

Member of the Sanpoil and Lakes Band of Colville Confederated tribes of Seattle, Washington, USA
Dr Squitimikin-Anquoe will speak of her varied work with her people.

Naida-Glavish@2xKuia Naida Glavish

Ngati Whatua
Naida explains Te Ao Māori, Te Taha Wairua o te Maatuatanga/The Sprituality of Parenting.

Dr-Will@2xDr Will Edwards

Dr Edwards will talk about the Mana Ririki Māori Fathering research he is involved in.

Dr-Wilson@2xProfessor Denise Wilson

Professor Wilson (AUT) reveals the reframing of Family Violence.

Dr Leonie Pihama

Te Atiawa, Kaiwhakarapopoto
With her impressive academic capacity for detail, Dr Pihama will summarise the two-day conference.

To register for the conference click here.