National Marine and Freshwater Education Wānanga Conference 2016
Friday 29 April – Sunday 1 May 2016
Whitireia Marae, Whangara, Gisborne
The theme for this year’s Wānanga Conference is, “Storytelling – Korero paki” …for marine and freshwater conservation action and/or education”.
Wānanga registration will include:
- Marine & freshwater keynote presentations, including Dame Anne Salmond, Hone Taumaunu, Dr. Mike Hickford and Debbie Freeman.
- Fresh wholesome meals and marae accommodation over the 3 day conference- wānanga
- Idyllic scenery at the location for ‘Whale Rider’
- Marine and freshwater field trips including local conservation initiatives and attractions
- An opportunity to share your own project during ‘show n tell’, displays & facilitated workshops
- Inclusion of local residents, tangata whenua & conservation groups throughout the programme
All participants to receive a copy of the DVD ‘Water Whisperers Tangaroa’ by WickCandle Film. .
Registrations essential $390 waged professional $290 non waged/student/teacher/not for profit
Register online
For more information email [email protected]
The Tindall Foundation is proud to be supporting the Wānanga in collaboration with the DOC Community Fund. This wānanga is in partnership with Nga Mahi Te Taiao