The Auckland City Mission is delighted the Auckland Council has confirmed its plan to contribute $5 million to the HomeGround housing and social services project. Missioner Chris Farrelly says he is extremely grateful Auckland Council has extended its commitment to help the city’s most vulnerable.

“Our HomeGround development in Hobson Street is the most ambitious undertaking in our almost 99 year history and will change the way the Mission provides support to some of the most at-risk members of our community,” says Mr Farrelly.

“Mayor Phil Goff is ambitious in his goal to end homelessness in Auckland. He is right when he says we need to get people off the streets and out of living in cars. But that’s not all. We must continue to work to address the roots of homelessness and extreme need. These include the many complex issues around health and hunger as well as shelter.“

HomeGround is a transformational new development on the Mission’s Hobson Street site. The development will include 80 supportive housing units with onsite wrap around health and support services to address many of the factors which contribute to homelessness.

HomeGround will also provide services for vulnerable Aucklanders including a large medical centre, detox centre, educational and training facilities, crisis care emergency support, meals and food distribution services. It will also include spaces for local community social needs.

Work has begun on the building and HomeGround is expected to be completed towards the end of 2020 as the Auckland City Mission marks its 100th anniversary.