Nau Mai Rā is a power company with a difference.  They are the first kaupapa Māori energy retailer in Aotearoa and are working towards helping the households that need it the most, to have sufficient power to keep their whānau warm in winter.

“We believe that power is a right not a privilege, that people are more important than profits and that through the spirit of manaakitanga we can eliminate energy hardship” said Ezra Hirawani.

Nau Mai Rā was co-founded in 2019 by Ezra Hirawani and Ben Armstrong and Ezra was named Young New Zealander of the Year in 2022 for his efforts to combat energy hardship for Māori. Ezra says because of his whakapapa he knew that many Māori and Pasifika whānau struggled with energy hardship but learnt quickly that it was no respecter of race and that many non-Māori were also impacted.  Realising there was a lot of social inequity within the power and energy space and given that we generate our own power here in Aotearoa – he asked himself why did it have to be so out of reach for whānau that really needed it? And that’s when Nau Mai Rā was born – anyone can join and pay the same or less as they do now, and a portion of their power bill will be directed to support a kaupapa of their choice.

Nau Mai Rā is calling out to other philanthropists to match what they are doing so they can drive even more impact into communities.