Pregnancy Help Taupō provides free high quality second-hand clothing for babies aged 0-5 years in Taupō, Turangi, Mangakino, Broadlands and Reporoa.

Ellie Godwin has been in her role for a year and said “We wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the backing of the community.  We receive donations of second-hand quality baby clothes that people could sell, but instead they choose to bring them here,”.

“Our numbers have quadrupled the over the last year.  We were servicing approximately 40 people per month a year ago, and now we provide clothing to over 200 people,” she said.

“They say it takes a village to raise a family, but for some people it may not exist in the traditional sense, so we’ve become like our own village where we welcome people to just drop in. Sometimes Mum’s just need a break and for someone else to hold baby and we’re more than happy to do that!  We also try to stock a range of children’s clothing for ages 5-12 years so baby’s big brother or sister gets a new jumper or jacket at the same time baby gets new clothes. We’re pivoting to the changing needs of our community and we are here to help where we can.”

Find out more about Pregnancy Help Taupō