Sharing the kaupapa – Hamilton workshop on the new Youth Mentoring Safe and Effective Practice Guide
7 June 2017, 9:00am-3:00pm, Child Matters, Hamilton
We are providing funding and support to the NZ Youth Mentoring Network to offer a special one day workshop in Hamilton on the recently published 2nd edition of the Guide to Safe and Effective Practice in Youth Mentoring Aotearoa NZ. The Guide offers practical advice and guidance on how best to provide high-quality mentoring in day-to-day operations.
Production of the Guide has been a truly collaborative effort with a broad spectrum of leading New Zealand practitioners, government agencies involved in mentoring, academic researchers and NZYMN trustees, all offering input and feedback.
The revised Guide serves as a ready-reference manual, offering practical advice and guidance on how best to approach the provision of high-quality mentoring in day-to-day operations.
Workshop purpose:
• Introduce the Guide so that you can easily navigate and use it back in your work environment.
• Build awareness of effective and safe practice in youth mentoring.
• Provide the opportunity to meet with others in your region, learn together, and build stronger regional networks.
Who should attend this workshop?
Youth workers, educators, mentors, mentor programme providers, central and local government agency staff and community workers.
Date: Wednesday, 7 June
Location: Hamilton
Venue: The Richardson Room, Child Matters Building, Ground Floor/480 Anglesea St, Hamilton
Start time: 9.00am – registration desk open
Finish time: 3.30pm
Registration fee: There is a fee of $35 inclusive GSTto cover catering costs. You will also receive a copy of the Guide and a comprehensive workbook. Register online now.