Te Potiki National Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of Sir Mason Durie
to the role of Patron.

Sir Mason was previously the Chair of the Kaumatua Advisory Board to the Trust, a
role that is now being fulfilled by Sir Tumu te Heuheu, Paramount Chief of Ngāti

Emeritus Professor Sir Mason Durie (Rangitane, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Raukawa) is
the former Head of Maori Studies and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Massey University,
Palmerston North, and is a recognised leader in research into Maori health,
education and indigenous development.

As Patron, Sir Mason will advocate for the interests of Te Potiki National Trust, which
was established in 2007 to support connections between ancestral marae,
descendants and visitors.

The Trust has overseen the research and development of the popular Māori Maps
website (www.maorimaps.com), taking visitors to the location of 766 marae
throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.